Balance not great?

Most people overlook this key part of fitness!

Every second, an adult over 65 falls in the U.S.

That’s 86,400 falls every day!

It happens from a misstep on a curb.

Tripping over a rug.

Slipping on a wet floor.

While some hazards can’t be avoided, most falls can be prevented.

A fall happens when you don’t have the balance, strength, or reflexes to correct the position of your body, and you go down.

So, how do you prevent falls from happening?

Your balance, strength, and reflexes can be trained.

And the stronger they are, the less likely you are to take a spill.

Let’s start by improving your balance.

Why This Matters

As you get older, a broken bone can lead to serious health issues and even long-term disability. Taking steps now can help you stay strong, steady, and independent for years to come.


Improving your balance is NOT just about standing on one foot!!

Fitness Tip To Improve Your Balance

Train BOTH static and dynamic balance

To improve your overall balance and prevent falls, you need to work on BOTH your static and dynamic balance.

Static balance = staying still while balancing (like standing on one foot).

Dynamic balance = balancing while moving.

Spoiler: Dynamic balance is what you need most in daily life!

Most falls don’t happen when you’re standing still.

They happen when you’re walking, climbing, reaching, or stepping.

That’s why these 4-way taps might be my FAVORITE balance exercise.

They help build dynamic balance and are perfect for anyone feeling unsteady.

If you feel wobbly, stand near a wall and lightly touch it with your fingertips for support.

The more you practice, the better your balance will get!

4-Way Taps for Balance

  1. Stand next to a wall or a chair for support at first
  2. Once you feel pretty steady, add mini “squats” with each tap.
  3. Perform 3-4 rounds of taps per leg.

Extra tip: Practice barefoot! This allows you to spread apart your toes and use your entire foot to “grip” on to the floor, creating a lot more stability through your foot and ankle.

Did You Know...

  • Working on your dynamic balance is also a great way to make your feet and ankles stronger, more mobile and less injury prone.
  • Be patient. With balance training, you’re training your nervous system, which can take the longest to adapt. Seeing improvements in your balance may take longer than you’d expect - but keep practicing and trust that it’s worth it!


Implementing “balance and moderation” with your food choices is just as important!

Nutrition Tip of The Week

Eat to 80% fullness

A healthy goal for good portion control and even better digestion is to stop eating when you’re at 80% full.

If you only eat to 50% fullness, you’ll be hungry again in an hour.

If you eat to 100% fullness, you’ll feel stuffed and uncomfortable, like Thanksgiving dinner after a second helping.

But how do you know when you’ve hit 80% fullness?

At 80%, you feel satisfied but not stuffed.

You still have some room left for a dessert or a second helping, but you don’t need to.

Slowing down while you eat makes it easier to recognize this feeling.

One simple trick to help you eat slower:

Eat foods that require more chewing, like the crunchy broccoli in the recipe below!

Broccoli Salad

More tips to slow down:

  • Sip on a glass of water during your meal.
  • Avoid processed carbs (chips, crackers, etc.), which you’ll chew fast & digest very quickly.
  • Raw carrots, cauliflower, kale, and even apples are all high in fiber, super crunchy, and take a while to eat.


Feeling a dip in motivation?You’re not alone!

It’s common to feel unmotivated this time of year.

I like to call it “Season Fatigue”…anyone else tired of winter and ready for spring?

To address this, the real question to ask yourself isn’t “How do I stay motivated?”

It’s “How can I make my habits so simple that I’ll still do them, even when I’m not motivated?”

Motivation comes and goes.

You can’t rely on it.

Instead, build habits that are easy enough to stick with on the days you feel the least motivated.

If you can do that, you’ll continue moving forward, even when motivation is low.

Mindset Tip of The Week

Create “motivation-proof” habits


Prioritizing balance in your movement, nutrition, and mindset helps you stay strong, steady, and resilient in midlife and beyond.

  1. Train BOTH static and dynamic balance
  2. Eat to 80% fullness
  3. Create “motivation-proof” habits


Self Care Simplified podcast

Ep 339: Balance Training? Avoid These Mistakes!

Ep 297: The Step By Step Strategy To Improve Your Balance

Ep 294: Easy Ways to Improve Your Balance and Prevent Falls


Need more help with your balance? The simple tips and movements that you’ll learn in this masterclass will improve your balance and increase your stability. No more fears of falling or being clumsy - this masterclass helps!

FREE Balance Masterclass.

Until next week... Be strong