One Daily Stretch for Tight Wrists

Weakness or Tightness?

Wrist pain, especially during exercise, isn’t always due to weak wrists.

Tightness could be the real culprit!


Many women in midlife struggle with stiff, tight, or painful wrists.

Your JUST ONE THING to Relieve Wrist Pain

Do the Prayer Hands Stretch

Many strength exercises require your wrists to bend at a 90-degree angle, like when you place your hands on the floor in the push up position.

This can be painful if your wrists are tight or stiff.

If that sounds like you, do the Prayer Hands Stretch daily to improve flexibility and ease discomfort in those positions.

The Prayer Hands Stretch

  1. Keep the base of your hands together and slowly pull them downward directly in front of your chest.
  2. Pause at the deepest point - just before your palms want to separate - for 3-5 seconds, then release.
  3. Repeat for 8-10 reps and do multiple times throughout the day.

Extra Tip: Include this dynamic wrist stretch into your warm-up whenever you workout, or even immediately before doing any wrist-based exercise. This will ease the tension through your wrist so you can be in those positions more comfortably.

Did You Know...

  • This stretch has also been known to help relieve carpal tunnel pain. Just be gentle and avoid pushing through any sharp pain.
  • Forearms sore after lifting and gripping heavy weights? This stretch can help relieve forearm soreness, too!
  • If your wrists are weak or feeling extra sore, rest them for a full day between workouts. You can even apply ice if needed.

Until next week... Be strong