Solution to Why You're Not Sleeping

Solution to Why You're Not Sleeping

Raise your hand if… 🙋🏻‍♀️

Your lower back gets stiff and tight,

Your hips feel achy,

Or you get deep throbbing pain in your hip socket (sciatica, SI Joint or piriformis syndrome).

Maybe the pain is even keeping you from getting a good night’s sleep!

Pile that on top of the night sweats and racing thoughts in perimenopause and menopause, and well, you may feel like you’re in the spin cycle of sleeplessness. 😵‍💫

That lack of sleep takes a HUGE toll on your body, your mind and your emotions.

So let’s do something to fix that.


Here is ONE simple thing you can do right now to help you move smarter and live stronger in midlife.

Your JUST ONE THING to help ease low back & hip pain is the Figure-4 Stretch.

The Figure-4 stretch is an excellent move to keep handy for whenever you need a gentle release through your hip and low back.

You can do it seated, laying down, or even standing.

Whatever feels best to you - Choose your own adventure!

How you do it:

Total Body Extension

  1. Seated Figure-4: Great option all-around, especially if you want to stay dynamic and press in & out of the stretch.
  2. Laying Figure-4: Try this version if you have really bad back pain and your spine could use the extra support from the floor.
  3. Standing Figure-4: A perfect solution for when you’re on your feet for long periods and your back begins to tighten up 👍

Extra tip: Be gentle, don’t force the stretch, and take 3-5 full deep breaths per side.

Did You Know...

  • When your low back feels tight, trying to twist, round and pop your low back could make it worse in the long run.
  • Most feelings of lower back tightness actually stem from having really tight hip muscles.
  • Doing hip stretches right before bed, like this figure-4 stretch, can release the tightness in the muscles that are pulling on your back and help you get a much better night’s sleep!

Until next week... Be strong